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vlssr [2017/12/04 16:58]
Déborah Paradis
vlssr [2023/04/11 15:33]
Déborah Paradis
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 ======VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSSr)====== ======VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey Redux (VLSSr)======
 +The VLSS data, at a frequency of 74 MHz cover 95% of the 3π sr of sky area above -30° declination. The original data have been reprocessed to create a revised version of the survey, called the VLSS redux (VLSSr). This reprocessing lead to substantial improvements allowing to release images of six unpublished fields and reducing the clean bias by 50%. The angular resolution is approximately 80" and units of the data are ''​Jy/​Beam''​.\\ 
 +Healpix map made by D. Paradis. 
 +=== References === 
 +  * 'The VLA Low-Frequency Sky Survey',​ by Cohen A. S. et al, 2007, AJ, 134, 1245 http://​adsabs.harvard.edu/​abs/​2007AJ....134.1245C 
 +  * 'VLSS redux: Software improvements applied to the Very Large Array Low-Frequency Sky Survey'​ by Lane W. M. et al, 2012, Radio Science v. 47, RS0K04 ​ http://​adsabs.harvard.edu/​abs/​2012RaSc...47.0K04L 
 +// Broadcasts a table given a hub connection. 
 +var vlss = function(connection) { 
 +    var msg = new samp.Message("​image.load.fits",​ 
 +    {"​url":​ "​http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​VLSS/​VLSS_1_4096.fits","​name":"​VLSSr"​} ); 
 +    connection.notifyAll([msg]);​ 
 +=== Map === 
 +<button class="​aladin-btn"​ type="​button"​ onclick="​connector.runWithConnection(vlss)">​Aladin</​button>​ 
 +<div id="​aladin-lite-div-vlss"​ class="​aladin-lite-container300"></​div>​ 
 +<script src="​lib/​scripts/​aladin-btns.js"></​script>​ 
 +// Aladin visualizations 
 +    var aladin_01 = A.aladin('#​aladin-lite-div-vlss',​ {zoom:​170});​ 
 +    aladin_01.setFrame('​Galactic'​);​ 
 +    aladin_01.gotoPosition(60,​ 0); 
 +    aladin_01.setImageSurvey(aladin_01.createImageSurvey( 
 +        '​VLSSr',​ '​VLSSr',​ 
 +        '​http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​4Aladin/​VLSSr/',​ 
 +        '​Galactic',​ 3 
 +    )); 
 +    aladin_01.getBaseImageLayer().getColorMap().update('​rainbow'​);​ 
 +===HiPS === 
 +VLSSr HiPS are available in Aladin Collections/​Image 
 +=== Original WCS Data === 
 +=== Project Website === 