ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS)
The ROSAT telescope performed an all-sky survey in the X-ray band.
The angular resolution of the ROSAT telescope in
combination with the PSPC camera is approximately 1.8
Healpix maps made by D. Paradis.
RASS Total (cts/s ) | Exposure time (s ) |
Maps in counts/sec or counts should be multiplied by 5.24559
to get counts per HEALPix pixel.
- Total energy band (0.1-2.4 keV)
Map (in counts/sec): RASS_1_2048.fits
Map (in counts): RASS_COUNT_1_2048.fits
- Hard energy band (0.4-2.4 keV)
Map (in counts):RASS_IM2_1_2048.fits
- Soft energy band (0.1-0.4 keV)
Map (in counts): RASS_IM3_1_2048.fits
- Calibration
Exposure time map (in sec):RASS_EXP_1_2048.fits
Weight (Surface fraction of the FITS pixels intersecting the HEALPix pixel): RASS_COUNT_1_2048_weight.fits
ROSAT HiPS are available in Aladin Collections/Image