The INTEGRAL observatory operating in a hard X-ray/gamma domain has gathered a large observational data since 2003. Most of the observing time was dedicated to the Galactic source population study, making possible the deepest Galactic survey in hard X-rays ever compiled. Sky images of the Galactic Plane (|b|<17.5 deg) obtained with the IBIS telescope have been produced in three energy bands : 17−60, 17−35, and 35−80 keV. All the surveys are based on the nine-year sky maps, and the 17−60 keV survey is also available with the fourteen-years sky maps. All maps were originally convolved with instrumental point spread function (PSF) which is Gaussian (σ=5').

The units of the Healpix maps are mCrab.

Healpix maps made by D. Paradis.



9-year 17-35 keV : INTEGRAL_17_35_1_1024.fits

9-year 35-80 keV : INTEGRAL_35_80_1_1024.fits

9-year 17-60 keV : INTEGRAL_17_60_1_1024.fits

14-year 17-60 keV : INTEGRAL_14y_17_60_1_1024.fits

INTEGRAL 14-year 17-60 keV INTEGRAL 9-year 35-80 keV


INTEGRAL HiPS are available in Aladin Collections/Image

Original WCS Data

Project Website