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thrumms [2022/02/21 15:19]
ahughes created
thrumms [2024/05/13 15:33] (current)
Déborah Paradis
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-THRUMMS+====== Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey (ThrUMMS) ====== 
 +The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey (ThrUMMS) mapped the 12CO(1-0), 13CO(1-0), C18O(1-0), and CN(1-0) emission within the fourth Galactic quadrant using the Mopra Telescope. 
 +ThrUMMS covers a longitude range  l = (-60°,0°) and a latitude range of |b| < 1°.  The angular resolution of ThrUMMS is 1 arcminute and the velocity resolution is 0.3 km/s. The typical rms sensitivity per channel of the ThrUMMS data cubes is σ(T) ~ 2K for 12CO, and ~1K for the other transitions. 
 +CADE currently delivers 12CO(1-0) and 13CO(1-0) integrated intensity and peak brightness maps of the full ThrUMMS region using the survey'​s public DR4.  
 +Healpix maps made by A. Hughes. 
 +To facilitate processing, the original WCS FITS data cubes were convolved to 33 arcseconds and binned to 0.5km/s prior to the generation of the HEALpix moment maps delivered by CADE.  
 +/*Please contact us [[mailto:​cade@irap.omp.eu|cade@irap.omp.eu]] if you are interested in HEALPix maps of the CN transitions surveyed by ThrUMMS, or if you require maps at a different angular resolution for your science.*/​ 
 +=== Reference === 
 +  * 'The Three-mm Ultimate Mopra Milky Way Survey. I. Survey Overview, Initial Data Releases and First Results',​ Barnes, P. et al, 2015, ApJ, 812, 6 https://​ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/​abs/​2015ApJ...812....6B 
 +=== Maps === 
 +12CO Integrated Intensity : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​THRUMMS/​THRUMMS_12CO_MOM0_1_8192_partial.fits|THRUMMS_12CO_MOM0_1_8192_partial.fits]] 
 +12CO Peak Brightness : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​THRUMMS/​THRUMMS_12CO_TPK_1_8192_partial.fits|THRUMMS_12CO_TPK_1_8192_partial.fits]] 
 +13CO Integrated Intensity : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​THRUMMS/​THRUMMS_13CO_MOM0_1_8192_partial.fits|THRUMMS_13CO_MOM0_1_8192_partial.fits]] 
 +13CO Peak Brightness : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​THRUMMS/​THRUMMS_13CO_TPK_1_8192_partial.fits|THRUMMS_13CO_TPK_1_8192_partial.fits]] 
 +===HiPS === 
 +Enter the following URLs in Aladin ("​Files"​ then "Use directly a URL"​):​\\ 
 +http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​4Aladin/​THRUMMS_12CO_TPK \\ 
 +http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​4Aladin/​THRUMMS_13CO_TPK \\ 
 +/*=== Version History === 
 +  * v1 CADE maps, March 2022*/ 
 +=== Original WCS Data === 
 +=== Project Website === 