This is an old revision of the document!



' The 70 Month Swift-BAT All-sky Hard X-Ray Survey' by Baumgartner, W. H., et al., 2013, ApJS, 207, 19


14-20 keV : BAT_14_20_1_512.fits

20-24 keV : BAT_20_24_1_512.fits

24-35 keV : BAT_20_35_1_512.fits

35-50 keV : BAT_35_50_1_512.fits

50-75 keV : BAT_50_75_1_512.fits

75-100 keV : BAT_75_100_1_512.fits

100-150 keV : BAT_100_150_1_512.fits

150-195 keV : BAT_150_195_1_512.fits

BAT 14-20 keV BAT 150-195 keV

<html> <script src=“lib/scripts/aladin-btns.js”></script> <script> Broadcast a table given a hub connection. var akari65 = function(connection) { var msg = new samp.Message(“image.load.fits”, {“url”: “”,“name”:“AKARI 65mic”} ); connection.notifyAll([msg]); }; var akari90 = function(connection) { var msg = new samp.Message(“image.load.fits”, {“url”: “”,“name”:“AKARI 90mic”} ); connection.notifyAll([msg]); };