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fermi [2019/01/11 15:27]
Déborah Paradis
fermi [2023/04/11 15:23]
Déborah Paradis
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 ====== Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope====== ====== Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope======
-The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope was launched on 11 June 2008, becoming the most sensitive gamma-ray telescope on orbit, succeeding INTEGRAL. Fermi includes two scientific instruments,​ the Large Area Telescope (LAT) and the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM): +The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope was launched on 11 June 2008, becoming the most sensitive gamma-ray telescope on orbit, succeeding INTEGRAL. Fermi includes two scientific instruments,​ the Large Area Telescope (LAT) and the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM):\\ 
-- The LAT is an imaging gamma-ray detector (a pair-conversion instrument) which detects photons with energy from 20 MeV to 300 GeV+- The LAT is an imaging gamma-ray detector (a pair-conversion instrument) which detects photons with energy from 20 MeV to 300 GeV\\
 - The GBM consists of 14 scintillation detectors covering the range  ~150 keV to ~30 MeV, that can detect gamma-ray bursts in that energy range - The GBM consists of 14 scintillation detectors covering the range  ~150 keV to ~30 MeV, that can detect gamma-ray bursts in that energy range
-CADE only serves data obtained with the LAT instrument, in 5 energy bands: 30-100 Mev (Band 1) at an angular resolution of  3°, 100-300 Mev (Band 2) at 2°, 300-1000 Mev (Band 3) at 1°, 1-3 Gev (Band 4) at 0.4° and 3-300 GeV (Band 5) at 0.2°. Healpix maps are in "units of cnts/s/cm^-2/sr".+CADE only serves data obtained with the LAT instrument, in 5 energy bands: 30-100 Mev (Band 1) at an angular resolution of  3°, 100-300 Mev (Band 2) at 2°, 300-1000 Mev (Band 3) at 1°, 1-3 Gev (Band 4) at 0.4° and 3-300 GeV (Band 5) at 0.2°. Healpix maps are in units of ''​cnts/​s/​cm^2/​sr''​\\ 
 +Healpix maps made by D. Paradis. 
 === Reference === === Reference ===
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 === Maps === === Maps ===
-  *3-300 Gev (Band 5): [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​Fermi/​Fermi_Band5_1_1024.fits|Fermi_Band5_1_1024.fits]]+3-300 Gev (Band 5): [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​Fermi/​Fermi_Band5_1_1024.fits|Fermi_Band5_1_1024.fits]]
 <​html>​ <​html>​
 <button class="​aladin-btn"​ type="​button"​ onclick="​connector.runWithConnection(fermi5)">​Aladin</​button>​ <button class="​aladin-btn"​ type="​button"​ onclick="​connector.runWithConnection(fermi5)">​Aladin</​button>​
 </​html>​ </​html>​
 1-3 Gev (Band 4): [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​Fermi/​Fermi_Band4_1_512.fits|Fermi_Band4_1_512.fits]] 1-3 Gev (Band 4): [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​Fermi/​Fermi_Band4_1_512.fits|Fermi_Band4_1_512.fits]]
 <​html>​ <​html>​
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 ===HiPS === ===HiPS ===
-(unzip the directory and put it directly in an Aladin window to display the map)+ 
 +Fermi HiPS are available in Aladin Collections/​Image 
 +unzip the directory and put it directly in an Aladin window to display the map
 Fermi Band 5 : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​hips_zip/​Fermi_Band5.zip| Fermi_Band5.zip]] Fermi Band 5 : [[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​hips_zip/​Fermi_Band5.zip| Fermi_Band5.zip]]