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comptel [2019/01/14 15:54]
Déborah Paradis created
comptel [2024/05/13 15:25] (current)
Déborah Paradis
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== MeV Compton gamma-ray telescope (COMPTEL) ====== ====== MeV Compton gamma-ray telescope (COMPTEL) ======
 +COMPTEL was the MeV Compton gamma-ray telescope on board of the NASA Compton Gamma-Ray observatory (CGRO). This was the second of NASA's Great Observatories,​ with 17 tons the heaviest scientific payload ever flown at the time of its launch on April 5, 1991 aboard the space shuttle Atlantis. Compton was re-entered into the Earth'​s atmosphere on June 4, 2000.
 +COMPTEL was an imaging Compton telescope that utilizes the Compton effect and two layers of gamma-ray detectors to reconstruct an image of gamma-ray sources in the energy range 0.75 to 30 MeV. It had a field of view of approximately 1 sterradian, an angular resolution of the order of 1 degree and a spectral resolution of 6-10 %. 
 +Healpix map in units of ''​cnts/​s/​cm^2/​sr''​.\\
 +Healpix maps made by D. Paradis.
 +=== Reference ===
 +' Instrument description and performance of the Imaging Gamma-Ray Telescope COMPTEL aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory'​ by Schoenfelder,​ V. et al., 1993, ApJS, 86, 657 http://​adsabs.harvard.edu/​abs/​1993ApJS...86..657S
 +// Broadcasts a table given a hub connection.
 +var comptel = function(connection) {
 +    var msg = new samp.Message("​image.load.fits",​
 +    {"​url":​ "​http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​COMPTEL/​COMPTEL_1_256.fits","​name":"​COMPTEL"​} );
 +    connection.notifyAll([msg]);​
 +=== Map ===
 +<button class="​aladin-btn"​ type="​button"​ onclick="​connector.runWithConnection(comptel)">​Aladin</​button>​
 +<div id="​aladin-lite-div-comptel"​ class="​aladin-lite-container300"></​div>​
 +<script src="​lib/​scripts/​aladin-btns.js"></​script>​
 +// Aladin visualizations
 +    var aladin_01 = A.aladin('#​aladin-lite-div-comptel',​ {zoom:​170});​
 +    aladin_01.setFrame('​Galactic'​);​
 +    aladin_01.gotoPosition(0,​ 0);
 +    aladin_01.setImageSurvey(aladin_01.createImageSurvey(
 +        '​COMPTEL',​ '​COMPTEL',​
 +        '​http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​4Aladin/​COMPTEL/',​
 +        '​Galactic',​ 3
 +    ));
 +    aladin_01.getBaseImageLayer().getColorMap().update('​rainbow'​);​
 +=== HiPS=== ​
 +Enter the following URL in Aladin ("​Files"​ then "Use directly a URL"​):​\\
 +unzip the directory and put it directly in an Aladin window to display the map
 +[[http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​documents/​Ancillary/​hips_zip/​COMPTEL.zip| COMPTEL.zip]]
 +=== Original WCS Data ===
 +ftp://​legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov/​compton/​data/​comptel/​ \\
 +=== Project websites ===
 +https://​heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/​docs/​cgro/​comptel/​ \\