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start [2018/10/04 14:34]
Déborah Paradis
start [2024/10/15 15:14] (current)
Déborah Paradis
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   * Non-public survey data sets,  for internal project use (including Planck, Herschel). Please contact us if you would like CADE to host password-protected data for your project.   * Non-public survey data sets,  for internal project use (including Planck, Herschel). Please contact us if you would like CADE to host password-protected data for your project.
   * VO-compatible data, accessible through the Aladin software (http://​aladin.u-strasbg.fr/​).   * VO-compatible data, accessible through the Aladin software (http://​aladin.u-strasbg.fr/​).
-  * The drizzling software library, which reprojects data from HEALPix to local WCS and is available here : http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=software \\ +  * The drizzling software library ​(in Python), which reprojects data from HEALPix to local WCS and is available here : http://​cade.irap.omp.eu/​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=software \\ 
-  ​* **NEW** A Web interface of the Drizzlib (DrizzWeb) http://​drizzweb.irap.omp.eu/ ​+  * A Web interface of the Drizzlib (DrizzWeb) http://​drizzweb.irap.omp.eu/ ​ 
 +  *  ** NEW: The first SED Extractor tool (in Python), which extracts a Spectral Energy Distribution from HEALPix, WCS or mixture of HEALPix-WCS FITS files  
 +  *  ** NEW: The first prediction maps derived from Neural Networks at 353 and 217 GHz at the 37''​ angular resolution **
- +/*==== Future developments ====
-==== Future developments ====+
   * HEALPix files will be provided at different resolutions ​   * HEALPix files will be provided at different resolutions ​
   * Additional meta-data will be included in the header of the files   * Additional meta-data will be included in the header of the files
-  * Tool: SED extractor, compatible with the [[http://​dustemwrap.irap.omp.eu|DustEM software]]+  * Tool: SED extractor, compatible with the [[http://​dustemwrap.irap.omp.eu|DustEM software]]*/
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 If you have any questions or comments, please contact : If you have any questions or comments, please contact :
   * Déborah Paradis : [[deborah.paradis@irap.omp.eu|deborah.paradis@irap.omp.eu]]   * Déborah Paradis : [[deborah.paradis@irap.omp.eu|deborah.paradis@irap.omp.eu]]
-  * Annie Hughes: [[annie.hughes@irap.omp.eu|annie.hughes@irap.omp.eu]] 
   * Jean-Michel Glorian: [[jean-michel.glorian@irap.omp.eu|jean-michel.glorian@irap.omp.eu]]   * Jean-Michel Glorian: [[jean-michel.glorian@irap.omp.eu|jean-michel.glorian@irap.omp.eu]]
-//We thank Pierre Fernique, Laurent Cambrésy, Caroline Bot, Thomas Boch, Antoine Goutenoir ​and Gabriel Foënard for their help.//+//We thank Pierre Fernique, Laurent Cambrésy, Caroline Bot, Thomas Boch, Antoine GoutenoirGabriel Foënard ​and Anaïs Amato for their help.//