hips_initial_fov = 58.63230142835039 hips_initial_ra = 283 hips_initial_dec = 0.6 creator_did = ivo://ov-gso/P/COHRS/12CO/MOM0 hips_creator = D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE) #hips_copyright = Copyright mention of the HiPS obs_title = COHRS 12CO(3-2) Integrated Intensity obs_collection = COHRS 12CO(3-2) Integrated Intensity obs_description = 12CO(3-2) High-Resolution Survey (COHRS) of the inner Galactic Plane using the HARPS instrument on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). COHRS covered the longitude range l =(10°,65°) and latitude range |b| < 0.°5. The angular resolution of the map is 16''and units are K.km/s. Healpix map built by D. Paradis (IRAP/CADE). #obs_ack = Acknowledgement mention #prov_progenitor = Provenance of the original data (free text) #bib_reference = Bibcode for bibliographic reference #bib_reference_url = URL to bibliographic reference obs_copyright = IRAP/CADE obs_copyright_url = http://cade.irap.omp.eu t_min = 56293 t_max = 58119 obs_regime = Gas-lines client_category = Image/Gas-lines/CO/ em_min = 8.69e-4 em_max = 8.69e-4 hips_builder = Aladin/HipsGen v10.130 hips_version = 1.4 hips_release_date = 2023-10-24T14:20Z hips_frame = galactic hips_order = 6 hips_order_min = 0 hips_tile_width = 512 hips_service_url = http://cade.irap.omp.eu/documents/Ancillary/4Aladin/COHRS_12CO_MOM0 hips_status = public master unclonable hips_tile_format = png jpeg fits hips_pixel_bitpix = -32 hips_pixel_cut = -10.76 177.2 hips_data_range = -297.2 676.7 hips_pixel_scale = 0.001789 dataproduct_type = image moc_sky_fraction = 1 hips_estsize = 73537907 hips_creation_date = 2023-10-24T14:18Z hipsgen_date = 2023-10-24T14:20Z hipsgen_params = in=/data2/ancillary/missions/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/Healpix/32768/Partial/COHRS_12CO_MOM0_R2_1_32768_partial.fits creator_did=ivo://ov-gso/P/COHRS/12CO/MOM0 out=/data2/ancillary/missions/temp/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/HiPS -blank=-32768 hipsgen_date_1 = 2023-10-24T14:20Z hipsgen_params_1 = in=/data2/ancillary/missions/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/Healpix/32768/Partial/COHRS_12CO_MOM0_R2_1_32768_partial.fits creator_did=ivo://ov-gso/P/COHRS/12CO/MOM0 out=/data2/ancillary/missions/temp/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/HiPS -blank=-32768 hipsgen_date_2 = 2023-10-24T14:20Z hipsgen_params_2 = in=/data2/ancillary/missions/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/Healpix/32768/Partial/COHRS_12CO_MOM0_R2_1_32768_partial.fits creator_did=ivo://ov-gso/P/COHRS/12CO/MOM0 out=/data2/ancillary/missions/temp/COHRS_12CO_MOM0/HiPS -blank=-32768 jpeg